Friday, February 10, 2012

A Revelation on Love

In response to the lie, “I’ll run out of love, if I give a piece of my heart to another and they break my heart then I won’t have anything left to give,” or some variation of that particular lie and fear.

TRUTH: It is impossible to run out of love if you are connected to LOVE. He is a source that never runs out. There is more love in the universe than space. Space is filled with love but it does not confine love nor can it hold all of love; for love is a person who created what we know as space and therefore can not be contained by a creation of his own. It is possible to be so connected to Love that with every breath you breathe in more love and out more love so you are ever being filled and spreading love.

The way I see it is that the Potter, the creator, the source of love himself, is the one forming us and each and every time we choose to love someone we choose to be like the one we were designed and created after. Sometimes we get hurt, but love chose to be beaten, bruised, and crucified on the cross for us. Sometimes we feel like part of our heart is being carved away, but the most beautiful detailing to me is the fine filigree, a carving out that leaves the most beautiful of designs without weakening the structure it was enhancing. I know that it hurts sometimes to love, and that we might not see the beauty that Lord is carving from our pain, but know that when the vase is being made by the Master Artist it will be life giving for all who see it. You are a reflection of Him. I like to think of it like this, we are a vase, or a pot for Him to fill, but the intricate carvings are the way we leak Him out of us, out of our beauty, our pain, and our scars. Every part of us will be used for His glory and He is continually filling us so that we never run dry. It is a matter of us learning that we are in Him and thus never apart from Him. We are one with Him. It was finished on the cross. So even when we feel we cannot find Him, we need look no further than the mirror to see Him. We are after all made in His image and likeness. We can see Him in us if we know to look. We are as He is in the world, filled with Love, walking in His fruits, eating of them because we are the temple that hosts His Spirit. Holy dwells in us always. That is why with every breath we can be filled with love and exhaling love. The wind, breath, spirit is all the same word in Hebrew, Ruach. It is to remind us that we are never farther than a breath away from His Spirit, to know that when the wind kisses your skin, it is the very Spirit of God kissing you to life in that moment.

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