Today Papa Jack Taylor and Papa Leif Hetland spoke at church, and they brought it. Their words edified and encouraged the deep places of my heart that had begun to loose hope, listening to the lies instead of God's voice. I now once again find myself dreaming of the greatness this year has to hold, greatness of dreams coming true, debts being paid off, destiny unfolding, and covenant relationships being established and strengthened, hearts finding freedom and joy bursting forth like the first blossom that breaks through winter's ground. The world will forever be different because of the Greatness 2011 has to offer and bring and change.
Today I decided that I was going to step out in faith and pray for the cashier at Publix who had a headache, she didn't notice any difference but was shocked that I asked if I could pray for her, and curious where I went to church. I left encouraged because I finally stepped out in boldness and prayed for the cashier, this is something I had not done yet. This year I will be filled with boldness to love people, to share the love of my Jesus with them, to bring His heartbeat for them to the surface and they will forever be changed because when His love shows up you are never the same. Today I walked in my victory over darkness, today I knew that what is inside me is greater than fear, and headaches. Love conquers all.
Today I had another victory. I decided that I am going to Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Arts. I don't know how I am going to pay for it, but I do know that God has given me a Go and so I am going to Go, and I will watch Him faithfully and miraculously provide and it will be a testimony of His goodness. Today I chose to believe that I am a daughter of the King of Kings and He richly provides for all my needs. Today I chose to believe that His word is true especially when circumstances make it seemingly impossible. Faith is believing in the things unseen and at school we like to spell Faith "RISK" So today I stood on the declarations of the past two years, stood on the promises of a lifetime, and finished filling out my application. This is a GOOD day!
Little by little, sometimes by leaps and bounds, my mindset is becoming victorious as He speaks life and destiny and truth over me and as I declare the words He speaks about me over myself renewing my mind, my identity, my hope, and my faith. For I am a city set on a hill, and I cannot be hidden for He put light inside me that shines and breaks into darkness.
Today was a beautiful day for me. This year is going to be filled with beauty, victory, boldness, joy and Abundant Life, because that is what Jesus died for and anything short of that is just not good enough. May you be blessed and encouraged and may the Lord let His face shine upon you and give you peace! Night my dear ones!
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